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Apprentice's Alchemy (7)


Apprentice's Alchemy (7)

Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.

"The Philosophers have investigated with the greatest zeal the Center of the Tree, which is in the midst of the Earthly Paradise."

( Theatrum Chemicum; 1v, 1613, p.568)

The medieval Master Alchemists assert that: 'This Science requires the true Philosopher and not the fool = Haec Scientia requerit verum Philosophum non factum.'

It is prudent that through serious and programmed study the apprentice can begin to know the nature of the rough stone and its dual essence = male-female. It is an important mercurial stone to recognize and thus be able to identify its essence because = L'or and Vit = 'There lives the Gold.

Mercury is Triune [Trinus et unus] and immersed power of transmutation: 'I would transmute the sea if I were Mercury.' (Arnau de Vilanova)

It is extremely vital and important to know the true matter of this sacred stone of work and the natural essence of the Fire of the Philosophers and Sons of Hermes Ibis Thoth, the Sacred Bird. The Stone of the Wise is a gift and Science of God Himself.

"This Book to the Clergy teaches Science. Book is beyond the reach of the uninitiated. Book is that defends Renown and Wealth.''

(Thomas Norton, The Ordinall of Alchemy) 

The Arte Regio indicates that metals are raised and developed deep in the earth.

It is obtained through the rigorous work of the water of life = aqua vitae or water of the spirit that is moist radical, spirit of the water and sperm of the world = Humidum radicale, spiritus aquae or sperma mundi.

Art of the Wise. There is a means of roughing the rough stone and transforming it into gold stone.

The medieval masters, clerics and monks, by means of the stone work of the cathedrals, left between signs and keys written in stone all the hidden meaning and phases of the sustained development of the elaboration of polished stone and constructive art.

There is alchemy in the carved stone! Symbols are the essence of Alchemy!

''Alchemy seems to have its roots in ritual practices on metals, in which images of birth, beginning and setting in motion dominate towards a development whose main craftsman is the igneous element; and we have reason to think that its origin coincides with the appearance of man on earth."

(Bernard Roger, A la decouverte de L'Alchimie, Paris)

The carved stone of alchemy is the means of making the Great Secret of the Philosopher's Stone. They left it in stone. Susceptible of being understood by the adepts and children of sacred fire and hard stone.

It is the dragon stone that we see in cathedrals since that old alchemical dragon hides the Secret and protects it from fools and desecrators = blowers and unwary.

For Arte Regio the imperfect can be transmuted into the perfect through mysterious and enigmatic substance.

Within the initiatory process of "carving the rough stone", terms = birth, marriage, copulation and death are used. True alchemy is philosophia and the path of life that is expressed in chemical notions but transcends them in Elixir of Life and Philosopher's Stone.

The dragon represents the hieroglyph and enigma of the raw material {scaly dragon=snake}, mineral of the 'rough stone', hidden and elusive. 

The fundamental idea is to achieve by means of transmutation processes to achieve the transmutation accelerator ''agent''; perfected lower and lower metals in noble metals {metallic embryology}, in Universal Medicine.
