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DIVINE THEURGY OF ORPHEUS SOLAR ENTITY (Part 1 of 2) Victor. A. Cabello.Reyes. "A curious aspect of this Western ''Tradition'' is that it continually confuses the mythological with the real." (Antoine Faivre, The Eternal Hermes) Orpheus, Solar Entity and 'fluid liquid of Solar Gold' emanating from the Lord of the Celestial Light and Protector of the salutary powerful Word. At the same time, it is a powerful solar substance, a stream of a river of milk that gushes from the Single Source -safe and inexhaustible-, formally assimilated through a continuous and uninterrupted Initiatory Chain of the Ancient Tradition. Golden Cord. Or, spiritual journey of telethetic transmission. This solar vital fluid is Alta Teurgia emanated as essence and seed = (solar sperm), which is acquired and it is practically possible to assimilate it through a very old modality of ritual operative diffusion = (theourgia). Indeed, ancient chain of transmission = "prisci theologi" or Solar Theology = (God is not Invisible), impregnated with a singular magical-sympathetic presence "distant but at the same time close", whose rays touch the faces. (1) It is linked to the transmission of a certain initiatory path and chain of Solar Tradition of Knowledge or Orphic Way. Initiatory ancestral teaching, duly received and consecrated by a well-known and correct celestial, harmonic and ritual musical reception of the primordial solar numerical vital flow. It can be assumed, The Divine Theourgia is operation and activity, the spiritual-practical work to relate to the Divinity through the "Theion Ergon" = "work of the gods". But it is not only that, in the deep and rich Hermetic Tradition the theurgy is considered as the healing Wisdom of Thoth. Indeed, for the Neopythagorean Master Iamblichus, its roots could be traced back to Ancient Egypt. And, all this allows us to affirm, in her work on the Mysteries = (De Mysteriis), she is faithfully devoted to these teachings by word of mouth from the "mystic lore of Egypt". Or, better yet, from the dusty trunks of sympathetic magic where powerful and magical images of the wise scribes of the Egyptian priesthood resurface. (2) Interestingly, some researchers attribute to the Chaldean Oracles or perhaps to the rich textual documentation attributed to the Julians = (the Chaldeans and the Theurgus) the fundamental and semantic origin of the concept of 'Theurgy'. Now, cautiously following another of our koans: 'It may be false, which seems to everyone to be true.' Let us say rather, that the original theurgy is the science of an ancestral and millenary knowledge -which it had and should be-, practical mastery and total effective control of the Magister Sacrorum. "O Mysteries truly Sacred! O Pure Light! At the light of the tourches the veil that covers Deity and Heaven falls of. I am HOLY now that I am INICIATED". This may mean that theurgy proposes a practical method of accelerating the development of the spirit and refining the soul through the structured and formal system of teaching wisdom in an integral way. For this reason, The Divine Plato aptly calls Zoroastrian theurgical magic: "The Service of the Gods." In a way, service based on the acquisition of power, since knowledge and power are clearly associated. Frequently, these very powerful Arcane forces are hidden from the profane eye in almost all places, specifically they inhabit and manifest themselves more openly in Those places chosen where through millenary rituals. (sacred places and cities) Where the essence of Power has been constantly offered. 'Theurgy, or the Telestic Work, was the very essence of the Teaching of the Mystery Schools of Egypt, of Samothrace and of Eleusis; of Zoroaster, of Mithra and of Orpheus'. (Langford Garstin) Undoubtedly, theurgy is based on the Principle of Universal Sympathy and "religion" or solar spirituality. For Numenius of Apamea, the apprentice had to devote himself to the search for the sacred path, which both Platonism and Pythagoreanism had sought in the ancestral way of old doctrines and rituals of the Ancient Middle East. In turn, it is a legacy of Ancient Sacred Solar Cult, which underlies the conscious adoption of rigorous and unpostponable ethical standards impregnated with pure and holy life. Solemn and solid beacon of light of imperturbability or ATARAXIA or Method and Art of Life. 'The ultimate goal of Pythagoream and Platonic philosophy was assimilation to god through the cultivation of virtue and truth...'. (Algis Uzdavynis) In this way, the distinguished PILEUS or Phrygian Cap initiatory is received with merits and honors. Parallel to the Path and path of the testimony of the noble Solar Cult of Zarathustra, wisely and skillfully directed to "steal a few rays" from the rays and the sacred fire of Ahura Mazda. Undoubtedly, they are teachings that go from Wise to Wise by a very fine thread chained in GOLD of a metaphysical nature, which expands potentialities and possibilities of man to achieve becoming DIVINE or, reach personal manifestations of the Cosmic balance of the MAAT. (S. Sauneron, pp. 28-29) In addition to all this, to achieve the acquisition of a perfect internal state of non-contradiction. Harmonious unification again, this later, of the fall and LOSS of the WORD. Distortion and momentary disharmony of primordial and Adamic "image and likeness"; immanent in the "let's do" of the Cosmogony of gods. It is noteworthy that the effect of theurgical work must be in word and act of a positive nature = mageia and no goeteia. And in this way become consubstantial with the acceptance and "sweet smile of the talking statue" or those entities conjured and convoked. Of course, it is thus that by the active and fecundating power of the Word the Universe is built in solidarity and it is destroyed repeatedly as an act or hurricane sound of the EFFULGENT THUNDER produced by the Talking Logos of "creation". Actually, let us remember that etymologically Cain means "something produced" and the theurgical work of tilling the land or the line of Cainan son of Enos (Luke: 3:37) was always seen as disadvantaged by the Divine Eye. Through ritual Purification and the opening of a clean and sacred ritual of communication with the gods and beings of LIGHT, a cosmic balance is established and the Universal balance and Truth = (Maat) are maintained. We must work well clean and perfumed, with washed and odorous clothes and our bodies must be subjected to the constant and salutary heat of the Inipis, Temazcales and thermal baths, prior to the theurgical work. In fact, this is a Scientia Sacra and its domination is only possible with the due permission of the Greater Luminous who inhabit the edge of onion levels elsewhere in the here and now in otherness. In this way it is established and it is possible to restore the (henosis) or the Unionn Original with the Divine Source. DIVINE THEURGY OF ORPHEUS SOLAR ENTITY (Part 1 of 2) Victor. A. Cabello. Reyes Bibliography: 1. Serge Sauneron, The Priests of Ancient Egypt, 173. 2. Serge Sauneron, Priest of Ancient Egypt, pp. 62,63.


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Búsqueda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes

  (EL Camino de La Toabey googleblogspot) Búsqueda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes Víctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. ''El Gran Geómetra y Obrero ha hecho al mundo, no con sus manos, sino con su Palabra. Tienes que representártelo como Presente y siempre Existente, como el autor de Todo, El Uno y el Todo, el que ha creado los Seres por su Voluntad'' . HERMES (El Crater o La Monada (Hermes Trismegisto a su Hijo Tat) Existe una Operación Divina milenaria y Ancestral o Tradición Primordial=Pistis Sophia. Una Vieja Sabiduría incorruptible= (Prisca theologia), que es celosamente guardada, duramente mantenida o firmemente sostenida como una hermosa Cadena de Oro a través de una relación estrecha Teúrgica ritual y Ceremonial Antigua, Iniciática y Secreta. De este modo, es una relación espiritual con ciertos seres y espíritus afines a la misma procedencia del Origen Primordial de la Luz Divinal. En realidad esa Verdad Ancestral es–esencialmente- una Tradición Esotérica, He