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The Winged Cap of Hermes

 (The Way of Toabey)

The Winged Cap of Hermes
Víctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. 🌹
''If you go up a Mountain where no blade of grass can be found, and no birds sing, do you think you are alone? You, the stones, the air you breathe, the stars above, are All One in The Universe...Your Soul is the Soul of the World''.
( GiuLiano Kremmerz, The Hermetic Science of Transformation, p. 27)
It would be necessary to study very carefully and observe how in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence, there is a wonderful and spectacular bronze figure beautifully representing the winged Mercury, she expressive and in total dynamic movement, and with her index finger of the right hand, pointing up.
His left winged foot flies hurriedly over the sacred breath that comes out of the face of the wind like wind or volatile zephyr...
In this way, in this beautiful fine and majestic work of the master Giambologna (1564-80) we can observe, very well defined, the hat Wide-brimmed Thessalian or winged Petaso of the glorious and portentous Hermes Mercurial.
It is often said that it was thanks to him - the Thessalian hat - that the helpful Hermes helped Perseus kill the Gorgon Medusa (the only one of the Gorgons who lacked immortality) by empowering him by grace of the invisible power of his helmet winged, in this way Perseus manages to gain immediate invisibility with his later prize of the useful volatility of the winged Pegasus.
We know in any case, that in the artistic and instructive images of the Temples of the Lapidary Builders, this faithful image of the guardian of the doors and night spy (Hermes) was very frequent, and could never fail in them, its firm iconographic representation skillfully exposed next to that of the rooster, the sacred tortoise and the dark initiation chamber of the sacred cave or womb of the Sacred Mountain of Cilene.
As we can see, in the temples consecrated to the Golden Fleece, and very possibly since 1430 with the creation of that worthy Ancestral Order, varied and rich hermetic mythological elements are taken and elaborated as well as restructured to consecrate thus, within the very same symbolic temples, the path of human improvement through structured and symbolic initiate analogical representations jointly between Opus Alchymicum and Hermética.
In many respects, these complex Apollonian teachings of the alchemical operations of the Art of Hermes -of which Hermes was the undisputed patron-, were beautifully embodied in stone and or in various didactic materials of the pictorial, lapidary and building art.
Already the enigmatic Master Fulcanelli's in his Philosopher's Abodes illustrated us enough in this regard.
Consequently, the nature of Mercury is feminine, passive, volatile, cold and humid and in this way, the Ascension of the Caduceus of Hermes may well summarize the alchemical Work within its complicated sacral spinal and dorsal direction.
On the other hand, it is for this reason that the hermetic “finger” points upwards in the singular work of Master Giambologna.
“The winged Mercury is volatile by nature (…) its rod with the coiled serpents reveals its power (…) to open heaven and earth, give life and death. And with his powerful nature he can ascend to heaven and descend to earth to claim the forces of higher and lower things”.
(Herrn de Nuysement, Berlin, 1778)
Apparently, for the Master Michael Maier, the Dragon was also Mercury and in him the devouring Saturn secretly hid.
(Atalanta Fugiens, 1618)
In this way, because of its hermaphrodite nature as a double being or Rebis, it is that it manages to subtly conjugate the elements and astrological influences of the planets Mercury and Venus = Aphrodite or better yet to be able to represent the Sun and the Moon
(P. Philosophorum, Latin Manuscript of the National Library of Paris)
It is striking that in the Perennial Philosophorum, the fundamental idea of ​​an Ancestral Philosophy, Philosophia Prisca or Perennis, is substantially credited.
In any case, the winged helmet of Mercury represents that sealed Knowledge or Secret Secretorum that is only achieved by Per Ignem ad Lucem = (By the Fire of Light).
Since the profane “invisibility” the very Wisdom or Scientia is its SILENCE Immutabilis.
Of course, that thread or cord of Gold is manifested in Hermetic Art thanks to the fact:
"All Things rest connected with Arcane Knots", and in this way they are deposited in the very body of man as an essential floral and divine principle.
Well, certainly, by knowing himself, man knows God, since within man himself, there is the expressive capacity to contain the Cosmos within him, as a whole great microcosm.
Now, containing the Cosmos in a microcosmic way it is possible that the enigmatic universe appears to us majestically as a splendid book that must be read; decoded and deciphered or as a great poetic work immersed between theurgical vocal alphabetic spells orphic lyrical songs.
Orpheus and Hermes, often go hand in hand along the same Ancestral regenerative ascensional Path to operate the complete metamorphosis of the integration or reintegration of the divine essence in the cosmic fall.
"The Unity of the ALL in the ONE IS"
(Giordano Bruno)
For this reason, Master Paracelsus faithfully believed in the theurgical and sacred Power of the ARCANA and in its hidden and hermetic powers that come down from the Macrocosm with their well-known salutary effects of restoration of the body of Man.
In a way, the Winged Cap of Hermes is a theurgical achievement associated with a certain kind of revelation - aid to Perseus - infused with magical and alchemical recipes with a background similar to the attainment of the Phrygian Cap in the powerful and entheogenic Mystics of Mithra.
The Hermetic Philosophy is a Way or Path of that same ancient and ancestral Golden Chain to reach the intuitive knowledge of the DIVINAL and to proceed directly towards the humble path of the immemorial tradition of Wisdom.
Symbolically, this is how the Neoplatonic Divine sages= (Iamblichus, Plotinus and Proclus), understood it as well, they “sensed” it deeply and clearly in the spiritual school or Academy of the Medici, Pico, Marsilio Ficino and their followers of the enviable arcade of the Villa of Careggi.
"Only the qualified Platonic philosophos is purified to such a degree that he achieves what others do not, namely, the realization of his affinity (sungenes) with the divine".
(Algis Uzdavinys, Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism, p. 75)
And indeed, there are astonishing similarities and concordances between the spiritual substratum and basis of Orphism, Platonism, Hermeticism, Jewish Esotericism, pure and practical theurgy, the noble foundations of astrology, and the difficult but wonderful sacred linguistics of irresistible magical Power from the Kadosh in the LOST WORD of the Kabbalah Schemhamephorasch.
All this allows us to affirm that this Wisdom of the Logos is the representation of the ascending rhythm of the Hermetic Caduceus, where, as in the old traditions of India, we are surprisingly shown two ascending serpents (Ida and Pingala and the Sushumna?)
In clear analogy to a narrow but hidden and hermetic mystical physiology.
Is Master Hermes teaching and pointing his finger at the hidden knowledge of the sacred physiology of the kundalini?
Are your wings alchemical concepts of volatile transcendence?
It seems beyond any doubt that the way of knowledge is the CONSCIOUS reabsorption of the cosmic breath as the primordial substance of the Doctrine of IMMANENCE.
"Man Know yourself."
It is in your TEMPLE body where the Spiritual takes shape and the body spiritualizes.
So, like acts on like.
Fall and reintegration are part of the same thing.
You go up going down and you go down going up.
The Winged Cap of Hermes
Víctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. 🌹


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  (EL Camino de La Toabey googleblogspot) Búsqueda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes Víctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. ''El Gran Geómetra y Obrero ha hecho al mundo, no con sus manos, sino con su Palabra. Tienes que representártelo como Presente y siempre Existente, como el autor de Todo, El Uno y el Todo, el que ha creado los Seres por su Voluntad'' . HERMES (El Crater o La Monada (Hermes Trismegisto a su Hijo Tat) Existe una Operación Divina milenaria y Ancestral o Tradición Primordial=Pistis Sophia. Una Vieja Sabiduría incorruptible= (Prisca theologia), que es celosamente guardada, duramente mantenida o firmemente sostenida como una hermosa Cadena de Oro a través de una relación estrecha Teúrgica ritual y Ceremonial Antigua, Iniciática y Secreta. De este modo, es una relación espiritual con ciertos seres y espíritus afines a la misma procedencia del Origen Primordial de la Luz Divinal. En realidad esa Verdad Ancestral es–esencialmente- una Tradición Esotérica, He