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The Mercurium Philosophorum

 (The Way of Toabey)

The Mercurium Philosophorum
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.🌹
'The Great Tree of Philosophers is its Mercury, its Tincture, its Principle and Root'. (1)
The progressive emergence of the philosophy of Master Hermes leads to considerations about the winged nature of the Hermes-Mercurial.
Mercury is the metallic and 'winged' soul = (Bird of Hermes) of the Opus Magnum of the philosophers of Fire = Philosophus per Ignem, Ciencia Secreta and Arcanna Artis.
The Master Alchemists learn from each other and in total humility give recognition to the Golden Chain = astrological Golden Chain Catena aurea 3x3 in each cardinal and solar point that covers the sacred vault of the Temple-altar-athanor.
Mercury is dragon and serpens mercurialis of the imaginalis world inside and outside the laboratory—internal and external—which requires to be properly transmuted-purified and carefully 'bound' the dragon;'' fixed=''fixation of Mercury''.
Fac Fixum Volatile='Hacer fijo lo volatil.'The principle of spiritual alchemy is that the substances represent elements in man and the spiritual world, and the procedures take place within the soul'. (2)
That spiritus mercurialis (Secretom Secretorum) elusive = essentially fundamental principle of the alchemical ternary-Salt-Mercury-Sulfur = Paracelsian Tria Prima, and who acts as an intermediary and liquid conductor of an arduous and long process of ignition-active combustion of fire.
Initiatory process necessary for those who wish to transform inner nature and refine-purify inner metals in order to: 'Nature rejoices in nature...'
It is Mercury 'mineral virgin' mother of Gold (chrysos) and salutary remedy of Arcana, since it also engenders the mercurius philosphicus very essence of the arcane substance.
Our stone-which is stone and is not stone according to Avicenna, is composed of three elements being one thing and three regarding essence and its principles.
It is medicine of the Ars Regia = Arte Regio when it is possible to extract from it and its 'viscous water' the metallic essence and active principle, vaporous, subtle, light as penetrating.
The 'Mother of Metals' is cleansed and subjected to transmutation and certain degrees of cooking of elemental fire (ignis elementaris) = (Festina lente).
'No one can transmute any matter if he has not transmuted himself.' (Paracelsus) Mercury is Hermes, trickster, liar, elusive and difficult to catch. Snake and basic symbol of mercurial water and Mysterium magnum.
Dragon custodian (etymological origin=drakon=derkein='to see') of the source of life is already living water=Mercurius vivens(living mercury).
It possesses certain secret virtues that can be poison or medicine.
There is no doubt that Mercury = (Hg-hydrargyrum = silver water) is together with Salt and Sulfur, original components of innate powers of the internal fire of 'vulcanis'. Mercury fuels the fire of the flask. (3)
The marriage of sulfur (Sun) and mercury (Moon and Lapis = philosophical mercury) is an iconographic representation of the process of fusion and purification -by sublimation- of the androgynous-hermaphrodite who is king and queen, hermetic dragon of nature; Image of combination of two antagonistic but complementary forces.
For Khunrath's it was engendered by a liquid=semen of the macrocosm. (4)
As raw material Mercury needs to gather two bodies and a "sperm" in spirit complementary, two principles plus Salt. Mercury is Stone that rises to the wind. (5)
The dual and hermaphroditic nature of Philosophical Mercury or Lapis stone, it confers the title of Rebis = double thing, and is extremely poisonous if you know how to manage its volatility since it and its Universal Medicine = (pharmacon) reside in the belly of the dragon the AZOTH.
'It is the Rose of our Masters, purple, and the red blood of the dragon... it is also the Purple mantle... by which the Queen of Health is covered'... (6)
For Master Basilio Valentín from the cold dragon comes a volatile and igneous spirit that burns (ignis mercurialis) and which produces the sudorific and universal bath that grants health and fortune. (B. Valentine, Key 2)
That mercurial dragon mixes two principles: the subterranean kingdom of the serpent-dragon and the aerial principle of the celestial bird. Mercury is cold poison and yet it is igneous fire and vital healing elixir, it is at the beginning and end = Ouroboros (The One the All) of the Great Work is circular movement like Dragon biting its tail.
For EVERYTHING proceeds from ONE thing and returns to the ONE. When the dragon dies, he is resurrected as Lapis and Stone from heaven.
'It is contained in 'our' Mercury an igneous sulphur and, respectively; a sulphureus ignis.
This Fire is one ('spiritual seed'), which Our Virgin has treasured in her, because virginity without sulliness can allow 'spiritual love', according to the author of the Hermetic Secret and according to experience itself. (7)
That mercurial fire (ignis invisibilis-secret agens) in its liquid state and as water (dry aqua) lives protected-by other arcane substances-in the belly of the dragon, since it is arcane substance and golden tincture.
For the master Basilio Valentín it was fundamental, in order to extract the non-vulgar mercury, to mix the spirits of the salts-in thick flask- and that the mercury visited the bottom so that the sublimation is achieved thanks to the oil extracted from the mercury.
Highly powerful and vitalizing: 'Via humida' of aqueous purification solvents for Brother Valentin.
The sublime vapor (vapeur mercurielle) adherent to the alchemical still is recycled and becomes mercury.
Master Philalethes, it was of opinion that it is necessary to take the fearsome and fierce dragon and find the 'magic iron hiding in its belly' and purge it with the sun and fire Three times; this if Saturn reflects its shape in the mirror of Mars.
(Open Entrance to the King's Closed Palace (1667)
Thanks to the fact that Mercurio Philosophico contains the sacral semina or hummeda essence, its content and germination is released and activated as spermatic solar seed, golden water and solar semen.
We can find in Olmec and Mayan iconography that same universal principle of the celestial dragon, from its mouth the 'sacred liquid' = I'tz = semen, sacred water of the rich Mayan iconography in the extraordinary Dresden Code.
(Dresden Code, p.72)
But remember it is essentially fugitive and is known as servus fugitivus since its spirit is volatile and manages to produce the "arborescence" of the tree of Hermes within the ovum philosophicum or philosophical egg.
'It also underscores the universal value almost unanimously given to mercury as the 'essence' of metal. For next to gold and cinnabar, mercury figures as the most universal of all alchemical substances in eastern and western traditions alike'. (9)
It is thanks to mercury that we can access the Light of lapis philosophorum through the enigmatic figure of the filius philosophorum = King, he is Man-Light (Adam Kadmon Kabbalistic) and Son of the mercurial Hermes. Father of Golden Flower🌹=La Flor de Oro.
The Mercurium Philosophorum
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. 🌹
1. Dom Pernety: Dictionnaire Mytho-hermétique, Paris, 1972.
2. Joscelyn Godwin, The Golden Thread, p.12.
3. Solomon Trismosin, Splendor Solis, s.XVI.
4. Reformed Philosophy, Mylius, p.62 in Carl G. Jung: Symbology of the Spirit, p.81.
5. Tract. Aureus, Hermetic Museum, p.39.
6. Basilio Valentín, The Twelve Keys, p.47.
7. Philaleteo, Introitus Apertus ad occlusum Regis Palatium.
8. M. Berthelot, Introduction L'Etude De la Chimie, Paris, 1889, p.p.257, 290.
9. Aaron Cheak, Circumambulating The Alchemical Mysterium, p.26 in Alchemical Traditions.
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