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 (The Way of Las Toabey)

Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.馃尮
The oldest inscriptions of the 'primitive historians' of 'archaic Sumeriology' provide new evidence of a Cosmological-Astrological nature among old votive inscriptions, clay cylinders, stelae, tablets and thousands of vessels in pieces.
From the third millennium B.C. they were slowly deposited in the richly decorated libraries of the sacred city of Uruk.
The Magicians, Theurgists and Priests-astrologers, and wise archivists of the temple hid the Cosmic Astrological Wisdom among paintings and agricultural symbols.
All this, within the area of the most sacred precinct or prototype of the tabernacle, the ancient 'Gipar' = Sacred Hall of the Temple.
The Dragon King, (so was his name), was the Master and Lord of Uruk.
It is he who, as Primordial Shepherd, was born of the Heavenly-Cow-Faithful-to-the-Heart.
She nourished and nourished him from her Celestial Portals.
But at the same time, she could also come down to 'reside and nourish him'.
Or to be able to gently nurse him in the very sacred precincts of the temple.
The ancient clay cylinders confirm that the Herald of Heaven had traveled...
"All night long he traveled in the light of the stars," to carry his message to the Dragon Lord of the land of the Seven 7 Mountains who rode in his chariot watched the glorious passage of the moon-goddess.
She was traveling in light in her Bright Celestial Carriage.
Celestial Boat!
According to the scribes, the celestial goddess Inanna falls in love with the shepherd Dumuzi.
And in this way, the astrological-astronomical correspondences of the cosmos are transferred and conferred on the powers that the divinities bestow on humans.
Inanna is Venus, and a powerful feminine divinity that she can nourish with her breasts swollen with love.
It supports her beautiful white breasts and dispenses abundant fertility in her mother's milk.
Celestial Cow that among the ancient Egyptians manifests a very clear correspondence with the beautiful and sensual Hathor.
Mother Deity, feminine par excellence.
Among many and varied attributes, she holds the honorable privilege of being the archetype of the Great Mother.
Mother Heaven... Cow Sky.
Cow woman who nourishes and vivifies.
Mother SOPHIA. Rose and Flower!
Possibly, at the end of the fourth millennium and the beginning of the third, the goddess Celestial Cow was the prototype of the Great Cosmic Mother among the peoples of Africa, the Middle East, the Sinai Peninsula, Phoenicia, and even ancient Mesopotamia.
The sacred Cow Hathor-Tefnut is the Celestial Cow and Cosmic Mother.
She had the sacred property of being the Blessed Eye of Ra.
He personified the Milky Way.
Goddess of the priestesses and of the ritual dance = (belly dancer), of Sensual Pleasure, Love and Joy.
Mother of the Rose馃尮!
Lady of the Sycamore Tree.
The Great of many names.
Turquoise heart and necklace.
Mother of the Sun.
He is the one who is taken to Heaven in a Symbolic-Ritual and Astro-Cosmic birth.
In order to be born among their erotic = Sacred Horns.
Lunar Fertility Horn.
The manifestations of the numen are transferred to the myths among very rich astronomical-astrological implications.
And, between the corresponding agrarian meteorological consequences and the rituals of primitive agricultural peoples.
Athor=Athyr, according to the oldest texts, is identified with Aphrodite-Astarte.
She is the Great Nourishing Cow who created the world and the sun.
The first example of the so-called Mother Earth.
'Het-Her' or Mother and Abode of Horus the Elder.
House of Horus.
House of the Astrological Deanery.
Cow and Moon.
A woman of youthful beauty, a placid bovine face and a reflection of the Hathor Columns of the Astrological Sanctuary of Dendera.
She, as a mother, is the only one authorized to nurse Pharaoh.
Protector of the female sex and original goddess of love.
The priestly chants of the divine sistrum (his sacred instrument) sing to him:
"The joyful lady of song, of dance, of the art of weaving garlands".
Lady of the Flowery Garlands of the Temple Columns.
Solar-lunar-Hath贸ric dance and rhythmic movement of the hips, slow and deliberate... in sensual musical fire...
It was the way she taught her Priestesses.
The wife of the pharaoh embodied his privileged Cosmetic and Priestly Essence.
She was considered (with all her attributes), Priestess of Malachite and Supreme Turquoise of Hathor.
Since Predynastic times, their cult has been mature and complete among its performances and ritual components.
Lady of the Stars.
Bearer of the sistrum, the 'staff of command' and the Feathered Cobra = DIVINE UREUS.
Its festivities are associated with the very important and fundamental study of Sirius and the heliacal movement of Sirius with the flooding of the Nile.
(Traditionally, the pharaohs were crowned at the heliacal entrance of Sirius and the flooding of the Nile)
In the Star Welcome, the Priestess of Hathor wore the sistrum and the sacred Menyet= (menat necklace)
Used as a protective collar and transmitter of female sexual power.
It drove away disturbing bad influences.
"For Your Spirit, hold the Menyet of Your Mother Hathor!"
There are many names and attributes that the spiritual nature of Hathor (later associated with Isis) has among its functions.
Sekhmet (lioness) is also her dual and antagonistic correspondence.
He loves you and pushes you!
It relates to both life and death.
Already the Book of the Dead keeps her privileged space as divine protector in the process of life and death.
Myrrh is her favorite incense along with the perfume of roses馃尮 that provokes the fine loving expressions of the powerful female goddesses or daughters of Hathor.
Goddess of Motherhood.
With painted eyes, red robes and sacred turquoise stone.
You have to dance softly and rhythmically, so that the energy rises.
Oh! Daughters of Hathor!
O Thou his Lady, see how He Dances!
O wife of Horus, see how you dance!
The Egyptians loved pleasures; they were not just a religious people.
Songs of love, joy, and sensuality merge with the tender teachings of the Hathor priesthood.
"Brother, I like to go to the pond to bathe in your presence; Thus, I show myself to you in my beauty under the tunic of the finest linen, when I am bathed... I go down with you to the water and I return to YOU with an incarnate fish that remains imprisoned and beautiful between my fingers...
(Ostrakon: Cairo Museum)
It is more that unites us than what separates.
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.馃尮


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B煤squeda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes

  (EL Camino de La Toabey googleblogspot) B煤squeda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes V铆ctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. ''El Gran Ge贸metra y Obrero ha hecho al mundo, no con sus manos, sino con su Palabra. Tienes que represent谩rtelo como Presente y siempre Existente, como el autor de Todo, El Uno y el Todo, el que ha creado los Seres por su Voluntad'' . HERMES (El Crater o La Monada (Hermes Trismegisto a su Hijo Tat) Existe una Operaci贸n Divina milenaria y Ancestral o Tradici贸n Primordial=Pistis Sophia. Una Vieja Sabidur铆a incorruptible= (Prisca theologia), que es celosamente guardada, duramente mantenida o firmemente sostenida como una hermosa Cadena de Oro a trav茅s de una relaci贸n estrecha Te煤rgica ritual y Ceremonial Antigua, Inici谩tica y Secreta. De este modo, es una relaci贸n espiritual con ciertos seres y esp铆ritus afines a la misma procedencia del Origen Primordial de la Luz Divinal. En realidad esa Verdad Ancestral es–esencialmente- una Tradici贸n Esot茅rica, He