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Sacred Books of Thoth-Hermes

 (The Way of La Toabey)

Sacred Books of Thoth-Hermes = (Greek: Ἑρμῆς)
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.🌹
"He, too, was a Man, of great antiquity, and wholly imbued with every kind of learning, so that his knowledge of many things and arts acquired for him the name of Trismegistos."
(Lactantius, Div.Inst.,I,vi)
The Ancient Tradition of Thoth-Hermes = Ἑρμῆς, is that which embodies the Power of the Sacred Word or Sacred Word.
Thoth is the Father of Knowledge and its Philosophy of Life.
The Philosophical and Spiritual Tradition of Thoth-Hermes = (Hermetic) is based on and nourished by symbolic and iconographic elements of a Golden Chain (Nuclear and original), millenary and of solid Egyptian origin.
Expressed between ramifications and aspects of a group and intimate Templar Mystery; immersed in a symbolic Universe emerging from the Millennial Thought of synthesis of the emerging Grego-Egyptian mentality. (1)
It is not a mere dialectical exercise game but a 'Way of Life' to achieve wisdom and theurgical knowledge; intuitive knowledge to attain ascension and NOUS=as Man's faculty of intuition.
Thoth was the Bearer of the Mighty Secrets.
Djehuti was one of their ancient names.
He spoke the Ordained Words of his father Ra at the creation of the world. Thoth=Dhwtj or, Dhwty-Djehuti.
Inventor of sacred-hieratic writing, music, astronomy-astrology and Father of Alchemical Science.
Ra distinguishes him by assigning him as his helper, giving him the Moon to balance his 'own Sun'.
The Messenger=hwwtj and Seed of the Poimandres. (2)
Clement of Alexandria describes the huge and significant processions of Egyptian priests carrying the Holy Books of Thoth-Hermes.
(42 Books of Hermes and 36 containing the Egyptian philosophy of astrology, medicine, music and hymns, horoscopes and the testimony of the stars)
For St. Augustine, the writings of Hermes speak to us of the "Son of God".
Lactantius=Lucius Caecilius Firminian Lactantius (245? -325?), finds similarities and certain astonishing affinities between Pimander=Poimander and Genesis.
Thoth is the Firstborn of Ra, his assistant and secretary.
Considered the Protector of the Egyptian scribes.
He is the moon god of Hermopolis = city of Hermes.
Formerly in texts it appears as Djehuti, Sehuti, Tahuti, Zahiuti or Dhuit and the sacred bird associated with Thoth el Ibis= (Threskiornis aethiopicus). (3)
The term-concept Hermetic is used to cover an enormous body of works and writings of a philosophical, astrological and magical-alchemical nature.
Cicero claimed that the existence of five Mercury's and one of them (the fifth) murders Argos and gives the Egyptians, "gave the Egyptians their Laws and Charters." (4)
It is essential to be able to understand the rich and powerful heritage that is developing and expanding, deeply imbued with the spiritual and practical secret that endures unscathed to this day.
The Mysteria of Thoth-Hermes = Ἑρμῆς, is priestly and initiatory Wisdom dedicated to the Solar Cult = hyper cosmic Sun, personified by the priest-theurgist through solar tradition and transcendental knowledge.
We can say that the tradition of Thoth predates its fusion with Christianity, which assimilates its millenary Egyptian essence, living with it for more than 20 centuries.
Primordial Tradition of Thoth and real origin of Hermetic Philosophy within the historical current that leads to the dusty antiquity of Egyptian temples.
Thoth-Hermes-Mercury is a SOLAR POWER and mythical-repetitive Master of Wisdom, living in Egypt since ancient antediluvian times, attributing to himself such varied writings... alchemical, astrological, medical and natural sciences.
From this Primordial Tradition derives Hermeneutical = science of interpretation of texts and rich heritage of pagan antecedents of Hermetics related to the Mysteries.
The entire Primordial Tradition is collected in Geometry in, Euclid's Elements.
Thoth, Egyptian god of scribes, God of Wisdom=''He who knows''.
Thoth is the Patron of the exercise of Knowledge and inventor of the Sciences and Art of the Word.
It is a powerful amalgam of traditions that contemplates and verifies philosophical contents of profound Neoplatonic tendencies.
We can say, they are those old alchemical teachings where the OUROBOROS bites its own tail, they become the exclusive consecrated representation of the initiatory process of "ascent and descent".
It seems, then, that among the "going up and down" of symbolic stairs in each degree or chamber of the temple, millenary teachings are personified and vitalized.
Ancient cult of the solar power embodied in the representative figure of the solar cult of the Master Thoth-Hermes-Mercury.
That cosmos is the same one that inspires the Neoplatonists to religious veneration generally expressed from the second to the fourth century.
A popular cult of the SUN, both among the Mysteries of Mithras and in the official cult of the DEUS SOL; common denominator of almost all the religions of the Empire.
It should be recognized that ladders, porticoes and other spiral forms of symbolic graduation, together with the enormous mathematical symbolism of the initiatory process of "ascension" of the apprentice, are elements collected from initiatory wisdom.
It is the path of LIGHT, it is the path of spiritual-alchemical ascension through the proper assimilation of esoteric contents, symbols and allegories.
For this reason, the Hermetic ascension uses steps representing 7= seven Liberal Arts and Sciences of Antiquity in their most occult and esoteric character.
They communicate philosophical principles of millenary doctrines and spiritual teachings of the Ibis Bird-headed Man, sometimes crowned by the crescent.
For this reason, the concept of the unity and totality of the cosmos is systematized through the corpus of Hermetic-metaphysical teachings and doctrines, which emanate from the totality or first principle of the Hen = The ONE assimilated to the vivid and continuous relationship with the calendric.
"The Great Geometer and Worker has made the world, not with his hands, but with his Word.
You have to represent to yourself as Present and Ever-Existent, as the author of All, the One and the All, the One who has created Beings by His Will."
(The Crater or The Monad: Hermes Trismegistus to his Son Tat)
There is the millenary and ancestral Divine Operation or Primordial Tradition = Pistis Sophia.
Incorruptible Old Wisdom= (Prisca theologia), jealously guarded and harshly maintained or firmly held.
Beautiful Gold Chain: Direct source of the Primordial Tradition that spiritually 'binds' that legendary Pure Theurgic Talismanic Magic of Divine Operation.
The one that manages to be able to approach the genuine process of transformation and ascension in a leisurely way.
However, it is permissible to suppose that all those sublime and sweet characteristics of the divine bonds uttered between theurgical magical chants and incantations of proven Primordial Secret Revelation are gathered in it.
In the end, we can say, it is immaculate Ancestral Wisdom, framed within the proven and rigorous process of assimilation and reception.
An old and ancestral enviable model of intermediary tradition of knowledge.
According to the constructive wisdom of Egyptian Masters, the Proportions of the Temple are built according to the Geometric Pattern of Divine Proportions and are oriented correctly.
''Its intimate relationship to the calendar also connected it with everything pertaining to calendrical matters-calculation, planning, counting, measuring, weighing, distributing, and so forth-making the moon god the ideal patron of the profession responsible for all these matters.'' (5)
The High Sacred Geometry condenses in an abstract way the reasoning and execution of the "hand" of the Master of the Work.
Every Temple corresponds to the Cosmos between astrological proportions in Square of the circle = Temple-Lodge.
Let's see: Three Triangles per astronomical position = 12 Four 90-degree angles.
Each corner of the Temple = 4 corners of 90 degrees = 360 degrees = Geometry of the Squaring of the Temple and Circle = Man as Microcosm 4 Internal Elements.
For this reason, the concept of the unity of the cosmos is systematized through the corpus of metaphysical teachings and doctrines that emanate from the totality or first principle – Hen = The One.
There is a millenary and Ancestral Divine Operation or Primordial Tradition = Pistis Sophia.
Incorruptible Old Wisdom= (Prisca theologia), which is jealously guarded and harshly maintained or firmly held like a beautiful Golden Chain through a close relationship of Ancient, Initiatic and Secret Theurgic ritual and Ceremonial.
In this way, it is a spiritual relationship with certain beings and spirits akin to the same origin of the Primordial Origin of the Divine Light.
In reality, this Ancestral Truth is, essentially, an Esoteric, Hermetic, Kabbalistic Tradition with noble and secure Orphic roots.
Poimandres proclaims: "A Holy Word descended from the Light upon Nature and a Pure Fire rose from the damp Nature to the heights; it was subtle, penetrating and at the same time Active".
(Poimandres I)
Direct source of the Primordial Tradition that spiritually 'binds' the legendary Pure Talismanic Theurgic Magic of Divine Operation.
The one that manages to bring the genuine process of transformation and ascension closer in a leisurely way.
However, it is permissible to suppose that all those sublime and sweet characteristics of the divine bonds, uttered between chants and 'Magical-Theurgic' incantations of proven Primordial Secret Revelation, are gathered in it.
In the end, we can say, it is immaculate Ancestral Wisdom, framed within a proven and rigorous process of assimilation and reception.
An old and ancestral enviable model of intermediary tradition of knowledge.
Or, rather, that it is a whole body of initiatory and mysterious ideas, structured in fine patterns and delicate congruent and very Secret teachings.
Undoubtedly, they are the ones that can, among their many experimental forms, even try to bring us closer to the imitation and reconstruction of primordial and archetypal divine actions.
In the same way, they are remnants of millenary traditions received directly, carefully selected through the exclusive and hierarchical mediation of powerful astral divinities.
"Ficino spoke of the magus in the same terms as his priest-physician. Magic is not a profane cultivation of demons but captures the heavenly gifts hidden in natural objects for the promotion of health. It is "natural magic'' that requires a superior mind in which celestial and earthly elements are combined and perfectly balanced''. (6)
For the spirituality of Master Thoth, there is only one safe, rigorous, and theurgical sacramental way = Pansophia, of strong assimilation and reception of seminal-solar ideas by the divinity.
It is the Path of Ascension and the ladder of Orphic and Pythagorean Thoth-Hermes.
The Wisdom of Euclid of Alexandria is part of the Ancestral Higher Tradition or Perennial Sacred Science = Unique Primordial Tradition-Prisca Theologia.
A God who Geometry imprints his ''geometric mark''=''signaturea rerum'', by creating by means of a Mathematical-Geometrical Harmonic Order.
It is Royal Art = Ars Regio-Sacred Science of the Master.
Moreover, in fact, it is entirely meritorious to mention those origins of a literature of divine origin and inspiration with doctrinal norms and mystery rituals that re-emerge ordered from ancestral Neoplatonic and Neo-Pythagorean sources and influences. (7)
"Both Orpheus and Hermes are patrons of a technical literature on the one hand (alchemy, astrology, medicine, botany) and religious literature on the other, which is transmitted, at least purportedly as literary topos, by an institutionalized paradosis from master to disciple."
It should be clarified that trying to deny the valuable Chains of Traditions and moral and spiritual teachings with fictitious arguments tied to the sole and exclusive meaning of the letter, leads to frankly insubstantial results.
Ancient and legendary chain integrated into the sacred ternary = Cosmology-Alchemy-Medicine. "Everything that exists in the Universe is under the Dominion of the Planets and from Them it receives its particular quality." (9)
We can say that the term and concept, 'Hermetic' is used to be able to expose a body or doctrinal line = GOLD CHAIN.
Varied tradition and ancient cult of the solar power embodied in the very representative figure of the Master Thoth-Hermes-Mercury.
The Hermetic Treatises are known as the Corpus Hermeticum, compiled roughly between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. C.
Some of them were preserved among the Greek Codices and in Coptic scattered fragments of the important discovery of Nag Hammadi (1945).
It is recognized that only the Latin Asclepius (the original Greek text has been lost), was known to closed circles of the Convents and scholars.
These are treatises that when we study them, we find Jewish, Gnostic and Greek influence and elements.
Apart from the solid influences mentioned above, the enormous fusion and assimilation of Egyptian elements -Hermaic chain-, surpasses it.
Chain of Egyptian Tradition that is described in cultural interactions with Egyptian antiquity.
''An ignoras, O Asclepi, quo Aegyptus imago sit caeli aut, quod est verius, translatio aut descensio omnium...''
(Asclepius, 24)
The Primordial Tradition of the Egyptian Thoth descends from the scribes through Egyptian Rome and its spiritual continuation in the powerful later tradition of the Arabs. (10)
Thoth-Baboon, Thinking Cynocephalus!
According to the theology of Hermopolis, Thoth created the Universe through the Theurgic Power of his Voice.
Inventor of hieroglyphics = Divine Words.
As a moon god, he was the creator and regulator of the laws of cosmic harmony. He could delineate the seasons and regulate the time.
He is charged with "conferring divine names" on things. In the Osirian Sky, he sometimes appears as the brother of Isis.
He will also be in charge of all geometric-mathematical calculations and checks. Considered the archivist and bookseller of the gods. Your historian.
The magician-theurgists know him as ''SEMSU""= (The Elder-Grandfather).
It is he who contributes to the resurrection of Osiris with sacred, alchemical-magical formulas.
Thoth-Hermes helps Isis defend the orphan Horus and be healed from the deadly sting of the scorpion's venom.
Thoth was the creator of the Sacred SEFER OMERIM=The word 'OMER' = is Samaritan means = To speak or Word.
"Worship in Heaven for-Thoth! All the gods and goddesses revere him when they look at him in the Great Boat and in the act of administering Peace and Justice... Thoth, protector of the Ancestors... Worship on earth by men, when they see Thoth as King of Justice..." Kheriff says.
Sacred Books of Thoth-Hermes
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. 🌹
1. Nag Hammadi Hermetica: Codex VI-6 (The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth).
2. R. Reitzenstein, Poimandres-Studien zur griechisch-ágyptischen und Fruhchristtlichen Literartur.
3. Patrick Boylan, Thoth or The Hermes of Egypt, 1922.
4. Cicero, De Nat.deor., III, 22.
5. Jan Assmann, The Search for God In Ancient Egypt, p.81
6. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Western Esoteric Traditions, Oxford University Press, 2008, 80.
7. Miguel Herrero De Jauregui, Orphic Tradition and Ancient Christianity, Spain, 2007, 95.
8. Herrero de Jauregui, 2007,97.
9. Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Occult Philosophy, Natural Magic, Chapter XXX, p.129
10. Festugiere, The Revelation of Hermes Trismegistus.
The Sacred Books of Thoth-Hermes
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. 🌹


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Búsqueda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes

  (EL Camino de La Toabey googleblogspot) Búsqueda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes Víctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. ''El Gran Geómetra y Obrero ha hecho al mundo, no con sus manos, sino con su Palabra. Tienes que representártelo como Presente y siempre Existente, como el autor de Todo, El Uno y el Todo, el que ha creado los Seres por su Voluntad'' . HERMES (El Crater o La Monada (Hermes Trismegisto a su Hijo Tat) Existe una Operación Divina milenaria y Ancestral o Tradición Primordial=Pistis Sophia. Una Vieja Sabiduría incorruptible= (Prisca theologia), que es celosamente guardada, duramente mantenida o firmemente sostenida como una hermosa Cadena de Oro a través de una relación estrecha Teúrgica ritual y Ceremonial Antigua, Iniciática y Secreta. De este modo, es una relación espiritual con ciertos seres y espíritus afines a la misma procedencia del Origen Primordial de la Luz Divinal. En realidad esa Verdad Ancestral es–esencialmente- una Tradición Esotérica, He