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Paracelsian Master Dr. Oswald Croll = Crollius (Hesse, near Marburg: 1560? -1609)

 (The Way of La Toabey)

Master Paracelsist Dr. Oswald Croll = Crollius (Hesse, near Marburg: 1560? -1609)
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.🌹
''That Anhalt shared such interests is strongly suggested by the fact that Oswald Croll, Hermeticist, Cabalist, and Paracelsian alchemist, was his Physician.'' (1)
The spiritual tradition of master alchemists of light has in the wise and educated Dr. Croll one of its greatest ideological exponents of the Prague Court = 1597 of Rudolf II (1552-1612).
He studied in Marburg, Heidelberg, Strasbourg and Geneva and also practiced medicine in France. Eternal traveler like his teacher Paracelsus =''Knowledge is experience, a Doctor has to travel''
He served as personal physician to the powerful Christian of Anhalt = intimately acquainted with Paracelsist and alchemical interests of another Frater de la Rosa, Petr Vok z Rožmberka = ( Rozmberk ).
(The Rozmberk family had extensive interests in Prague = 1589)
Croll, a German, is a member of the group of English Paracelsians along with Dr. John Dee and Dr. Robert Fludd. (2)
Dr. Croll, following his teacher Paracelsus (Astrum in corpore), includes the surgical art in advanced stages and in a highly practical and effective way.
He is a physician-astrologer faithful to the Paracelsian conception of the firmament in the body or Astrum-Sydus since the knowledge of the sky and its corpus inhabit the inner sky of the patient.
You have to know the two heavens.
"In every man there is a special, complete and unbroken heaven." (3)
Croll in his Basilica Chymica = Royal Alchemy or Alchemical Church, written in Prague opines: ''Heaven and Earth are Mans parents, out of which Man last of all was created; he that knowes his parents, and can Anatomise them, hath attained the true Knowledge of their child man, the most perfect creature in all his properties; because all things of the whole Universe meet in him as in the Centre, and the Anatomy of him in his Nature is the Anatomy of the Whole World.''
(Oswald Crollius)
At a certain point, all these wise alchemists and scientists meet at the Court of Prague together with the misunderstood Rudolf II.
These include Dr. John Dee and the brilliant master alchemist and hermetic Edward Kelley.
''... He was retained on his orders in 1596 at the Castle of Most, where the German Alchemist Oswald Croll visited him in the hope of learning more about the Secretum solutionis.'' (4)
''Others say the Knowledge of the Art was restored by Hermes Trismegistus, whose mind was a treasury of all arts and sciences; and alchemists are still called Sons of Hermes.'' (5)
Master Croll's quest is the old path of 'Elijah the Artist'.
It is also known that the florid master Croll had first-hand knowledge of "lower astronomy" through the alchemical geometry-mathematics of Dr. John Dee.
(broad and deep follower of Paracelsus)
For the masters of the Rose🌹, the Monad is a cosmological and astrological matter by means of the Principles of: Sun and Moon, the Cross of Heaven-Earth and the bi-polar Fire = All this is the microcosm of the Macrocosm; The Solar Man.
Created by the Great Celestial Geometer thanks to the celestial compass between points, straight lines and circles.
Man conceals in his nature and signatures all the representative mysteries in the Mysterica of the Monad of noble Pythagorean tradition.
She is the Paracelsian practicing doctor who knows about another medicinal alchemy of health and human restoration.
''... without this Chymicall Phylosophy all Physick is but lifeless.''
(Oswald Croll)
We can say that the Basilica chymica represents an elaborate ideological scheme of chemiatry and Paracelsian prescriptions of alchemical content and Paracelsian principles between complex terminologies and signatures or pragmatic and scientific positions of the time.
In addition, it links Paracelsian wisdom to Triads = animalia-mineralia-vegetabilia immersed in the great circle of Kabbalistic inspiration and magic-astronomical or high practical Theourgia.
They are ideas of the Renaissance and of Picco della Mirandola immersed in Neoplatonic and Hermetic references and readings.
Croll is a representative of that ideological movement of the Rosicrucian Movement, as are Dr. Fludd and Michael Maier.
In the Basilica chymica we can find direct references to Hermès, Ramon Llull and Paracelsus.
In addition, a group of Tria-prima and inverted triangles loaded with esoteric-alchemical = animal-vegetable-mineral content.
''... all herbs, flowers, trees, and other things which proceed out of the earth are Books and Magic signs communicated to us by the immerse Mercy of God, which signs are our Medicine.'' (6)
It is a highly advanced and in-depth expanded chemiatry scheme.
Every medical prescription must be ascertained by the "fire of Vulcan" tested and executed in the Athanor of Vulcanus.
Always under the sustained heavenly assistance of the great divine physician = God.
Prayer, study of the sacred scriptures.
For Croll, it is the restoration of natural medicine—in Three Universal Principles—taken to its maximum practical splendor within a restorative physical alchemy of the Being.
The true Philosopher is an eternal wayfarer who follows in the footsteps of Nature and the letter of the scriptures.
"It was a great Triple Furnace / provided with several vessels / and each one in its place;/ within it was a Chaos or a Divine Gift / similar to the whole world... The furnace was made according to three perpendicular movements... A Triple Oven but... Unique.'' (7)
And every prescription and signature must correspond to the cosmic harmony of the macrocosm-microcosm.
Everyone, according to Croll, has in himself his own signatura=astrum or personal star and even... your Own Heaven!
The Curse of Eden is only the "signature of God" expressed in the "Tinctura" of the disease of Eden.
For the Paracelsian each plant has a sympathetic relationship with the macrocosm-microcosm and with the particular constellation and organism.
That happens in every plant and star on Earth.
The soul intuitively perceives powers-virtues of the ''Signature'' thanks to being part of the ''medicinal astronomy'' that are found in internal parts of the human body.
The work Basilica chymica is divided into three parts: 1. Recognition of the Fundamental Principles of Paracelsism. 2. Medical Prescriptions and Remedies Group. 3. Science of Signatures.
''Much the same can be said of Oswald Croll (c.1560-1609) Like so many alchemists, Croll had been trained as a Physician-he too was an alumnus of Hartman's University of Marburg- and travelled extensively, like a good Paracelsian, before coming to Prague in 1597, settling there permanently in 1602.''
All of them Master Alchemists of The Alchemical Rose🌹 are links in a Golden Chain.
"Along a Golden Chain, which has been stretched out to our corrupted Nature from Above to the earth, our sensibility or our Soul endowed with reason goes up, with God's help, through the Hierarchy of Creatures, from the vilest ... to the Masterpiece and Architect of All Things.' (9)
The alchemical tradition of Paracelsus has in Master Dr. Oswald Croll a refined exponent of Philosophia-Wisdom-Science in its maximum distilled and sublimated splendor.
Paracelsian Master Dr. Oswald Croll = Crollius (Hesse, near Marburg: 1560? -1609)
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.🌹
1. Frances Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, p.40.
2. Allan G. Debus, The English Paracelsians and Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Western Esoteric Traditions, p.84)
3. Paracelsus, Paragranum, p.56
4. Peter Marshall, The Magic Circle of Rudolf II, p.126.
5. Edward Kelley, The Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy in: Vincent Bridges, An Alchemical Enigma p, 141.
6. Croll, Treatise on the Symbols: Dedicated to Peter Vok von Roszmerk.
7. Oswald Croll, Chymisch Kleinod = Chemical Treasure, Frankfurt, 1647.
8. P.G. Maxwell-Stuart, The Chemical Choir-History of Alchemy, p.101.
9. Oswald Croll, Tractatus de signaturis internis rerum, 1647.


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