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Ancient Tradition of the Sumerian-Babylonian Legacy

 (The Way of Toabey)

Ancient Tradition of the Sumerian-Babylonian legacy- EL BAAL
Victor. Arturo. Cabello Reyes馃尮
''He who has seen everything to the ends of the world! He who has seen the background of ALL things and All countries, the one who has known EVERYTHING to illustrate to All, will make known his experience and All will take advantage of it!''
(Gilgamesh-Assyrian text)
The civilizations that emerge from the spiritual-cultural legacy of Sumer were many and fertile in being able to project their advances and achievements.
Since 1862 it is known the discovery by George Smith of the existence of the tablet XI, there is narrated the Epic of Gilgamesh on the flood already warned by Ziusudra king of Shurupak.
(British Museum)
The wisdom of the Sumer tradition can be seen in ancestral forms of writing that are gestated in Mesopotamia-Warka(3500-3,300 BCE)-Jemdet Nasr (3100a.C.) in complex pictographic systems with more than 2,000 symbols in complete ideological-mythical combination.
After the rise of Sumer, other great civilizations receive from them tremendous influence in their ritual-spiritual life=Babylonians, Assyrians, Archaic Semites, Hittites and Elamites.
It should be added that it is in your=Sumerian city that Tare-Teraj is born the father of AB-R谩-Ham=Abr谩n.
It is the famous UR of the Chaldeans.
(Genesis 11:27,31)
Therefore, the tradition of the House of Mountain= is the U-Nir-Ziggurat or, temple where heaven and earth are united (An=Heaven, Ki=Earth).
(Genesis 11:4)
Now, among the archaeological excavations of ancient Ugarit (1929-Syria) archaeologists have unearthed thousands of valuable cuneiform tablets and other ancient original texts (3500 to 3000 B.C.), in later documents known as Kudurru.
Some of them were used as religious-constructive motifs and marked, for astronomical and astrological purposes.
Or texts of origin and origin of historical contents. ''then came the Flood and after the Flood the Royalty came down from Heaven.''
(Sumerian text)
These texts of Ras Shamr谩 are rich in valuable written records of an ancient cultural and artistic continuity in votive inscriptions, their unique lists of gods confirm to revalue recent information about the enigmatic and proliferating cult of Ba'al.
This could explain important evidence of firm evidence of prolonged settlements at the other sites of the assimilated Baal tradition in 'Ubaid or Erid煤, from times as early as bronze (4000B. C).
It is Warka=Uruk=Erech place of ancestral worship to Baal, whose easy access to the Mediterranean and magnificent connection with the island of Cyprus or ports of Byblos, Sidon and Tyre place the old Uruk and Ugarit definitely in an extremely privileged place for all kinds of commercial-cultural exchange.
Specifically, we should point out, towards the enormous influence and constructive ebb of the genesis and origin of the millenary lapidary art of ancient Sumer-Babylon (Tigris-Euphrates) and ancient pre-Fascist Egypt.
Perpetual migration of peoples with obvious correspondences between varied populations, which happily mixed their ancient pantheons and gods.
(White Temple -Warka, Iraq, near 3500-300B.C.)
In this way, we can draw attention to the seminal importance of rich ''Canaanite amphorae'', widely used among trade; so early since the second millennium BC.C.
Many of them, currently recovered in underwater excavations throughout the Sumer region and Mediterranean area.
(25,000 of them, are in the British Museum of excavations of 1847-1852)
Inside, they throw up unparalleled iconographic and documentary evidence to decipher and unravel religious symbolic motifs of the extended cult of the millenary Tradition of the Mighty Ba'aL.
Ancient inscriptions of the 'primitive historians' of 'archaic sumerology' provide new evidence of a Cosmological-Astrological nature among old votive inscriptions, clay cylinders, stelae, tablets and thousands of other vessels in pieces.
Those that already from the third millennium BC.C., were slowly deposited among the richly decorated libraries of the sacred city of Uruk.
We can see there the goddess of the moon=Nanna and her temple consecrated by the 'Black Head' King Urnammu of UR (2100B).
The Theurgical Magi and Priests-astrologers- wise archivists of the temple, hid the Astrological Cosmic Wisdom among the iconography of their fine works of decoration of stones, paintings and agricultural symbols.
All this, within the area of the most sacred enclosure or prototype of the tabernacle, the ancient 'Gipar'= Sacred Room of the Temple.
The Dragon King,- that's how his name was-- was the Master and Lord of Uruk.
From there resurfaces the wisdom of the spiritual masters of SUMER evidenced in the rich figures of statues of the ABU Temple, Tell Asmar, Iraq.
It is he who as Primordial Shepherd had been born of the Cow-Celestial-Faithful-to-the-Heart.
She nourished and fed him from his Celestial Portals.
But at the same time, she could also go down to 'reside and nurture'.
Or to be able to gently nurse it in the very sacred precinct of the temple.
They confirm the ancient clay cylinders that the Herald of Heaven had traveled...
"Throughout the night he traveled in the light of the stars", to take his message to the Dragon Lord of the country of the Seven 7 Mountains who watched mounted in his Carriage the glorious step of the moon-goddess. She was traveling light in Celeste Carriage.
Solar Celestial boat!
According to scribes, the celestial goddess Inanna falls in love with pastor Dumuzi, exemplifying astrological-astronomical correspondences of the cosmos-man.
Correspondences transferred and conferred between divine powers granted thanks to the Theurgy for humans.
Inanna is Venus, and at the same time, very strong female divinity that she can nourish with her breasts full of love.
She holds and gives life with her beautiful white breasts, dispensing abundant solar fertility in her breast milk.
All this, among multiple and varied attributes holding the honorable privilege of being the archetype of = Great Mother. Heaven Mother... Heaven Cow.
Woman Cow that nourishes and Lives. She is the BLESSED WOMAN and LADY-Mother= HEKA-SOPHIA.
Possibly already at the end of the FOURTH millennium and the beginning of the third, the celestial cow goddess is clearly the prototype of the Great Cosmic Mother, among the peoples of Africa, the Middle East, the Sina铆 Peninsula, Phoenicia and even ancient Mesopotamia.
For the ancient Sumerians the power of the quaternary of heaven corresponded to divinities An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag, who shared with man very familiar proximity.
Their attributes and relationships were mixed between daily living and the constant religious practices of the clergy and the people.
Many of their gods are also their heroes as their exploits interconnect to establish themselves solid and mature.
Sumerian literature teaches us the never-ending struggle in the primordial celestial waters of the Cosmological Ocean that are periodically opened and closed by the draconic power over the floodgates of the Apsu=Primordial Ocean.
Kur=Dragon of the primordial waters and from which the sparks of the celestial fire come out, the AN-BAR.
Celestial spirituality of the 'Senores Dragones of La Cabeza Negra'=Black Head Dragons with personal gods, said and misfortunes.
An=Sky, Ninhursag=earth, Enlil=Air or, atmosphere and Enki=Abyss.
''After An had been taken to heaven; after Enlil had taken the Earth; after Enki had gone to the candle against KUR''.
(Sumerian Text)
Current studies recognize that the Greeks took from the Sumerian traditions that personal and quasi-private sense with divinity.
Raymond Jestin confirms:
"... Heraclitus knew the Babylonian traditions coming from Sumer, and the truth is that the part of inspiration that Greek philosophy owes to the oldest known thinkers is greater than what until recently has been believed.''
(L'esprit religieux sumerien dans son cadre, 1955)
However, the Sumerian religion is unique, and it is inarticulate to confuse it with Babylon or Assyrian.
Or, worse, with aliens such as the trite and even 'contaminated' misconception of= Anunnaki. Ereshkigal, rules underground worlds or the 'place of the land of no return'.
She is the wife of the telluric and later god of pestilence Nergal.
Ereshkigal's messenger was Nantar=Hado, destiny, fortune, and who in magical texts appears as a herald of death and possessed 60 diseases that could spread humanity= (heroic ancestor of the pharmaceutical multinationals and laboratories of China).
Now, ancient texts indicate that Ereshkigal inhabited a palace with seven gates possibly located in the fearsome underworld.
So, the Anunnaki are lords of the underworld, spirits of the 'Honduras'.
There were six hundred and surrounded the gates of Ereshkigal palace in the "country from which there is no return".
Following the tablets unearthed in Uruk and Ubaid, these spiritual forces were forces of nature as well as fulfilling their mission within the ontological dream worldview.
Hence, as antagonistic dialectical forces they had a certain order within the ancestral priestly mentality and were recorded in their cuneiform writing.
By 1923 the sumerologist Arno Poebel, in his Sumerian grammar, had clarified many of these names that today are the subject of ''lucubrations''.
In the spiritual world it is urgent to be honest and to investigate.
The Sumerian schools of tablet scribes since the time of Shuruppak, are clear and specific.
The masters of writing followed the Way of the Tablet=the later book or manuscript.
Priestly schools were temple schools. It is there that knowledge about the gods was transmitted and the Nam-lu-lu= "the dignified behavior of a human being" was received.
Worthy place for the reception of the power of An-Ki: Heaven and earth as Mountain-Ziggurat with its divine intermediaries the "sacred winds" or Lil=breath, spirit, air, breath.
According to the Sumerian tablets it is in this very place, between Heaven-earth, at the top of the Sacred Mountain and center of the world where: "On the Mountain of Heaven and Earth An begets the anunnakis".
(Texts of the Cattle and grain)
There they unite An and Ki = heaven and earth and beget the god of the sacred winds En-lil.
As you will see, they are fundamental cosmic elements often related to certain astronomical-astrological phenomena.
An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag form the divine quaternary, the sacred form of celestial geometry that manifests itself at the base of the ziggurat and is a model or archetype of the cosmic temple.
Ki is mother earth and wife of heaven An.
The anunnakis were spiritual powers or great gods of the earth and the underworld, therefore, the Sumerian scribes claim:
"The Anunnakis, the great gods, in your house have fixed their abode."
Also: "Let your mansion decide the fates."
So, the temple of Ereshkigal was made of precious stones and it is there the sacred place where the lapis lazuli stood out= Temple of the Seven Gates.
A doorman asks those who approach... words and symbols to guess...
The term ''Phoenician'' has a particular origin which, later, will be widely exposed among constructive traditions or in certain esoteric lines.
We can relate it to =''Phoenix'', name appeared in Greek texts since the 8th century BC.C., in reference to the achievement of the difficult state of the coloration Purple = sacred color par excellence and associated with the ancient Phoenician textile industry; sacred circumstantial reference to the origin of alchemical work.
On the Tophet of Salammb贸 shrine appear several figurines associated with Baal Hamman, all dyed crimson purple.
It is a building tradition that 'Freemasonry;' acquires through the ancient constructive tradition of Hiram the Titus, an intimate relationship fused to millenary constructive forms of the spiritual legacy of ''Masons'' lapidary masters of stone, faithful followers of the Ba'al Tradition.
The Ur deities, in multipurpose connotations of regional warrior gods expose ancestral expressive forms of prehistoric manifestations of fertility, lightning and rain.
The ones that happen in certain artistic modification from generation to generation.
Ancient worship of fertility and necessary rains carried out in high places or sacred mountains= (Bamot-Baal:Numbers 22:41).
Valid reason, in itself, why not even Solomon himself, nor even the Jewish documentary account itself have been able to disassociate themselves -completely-, from powerful influences of the Cult of Ba'al.
(2: Kings 17:16)
Jewish women worshipped Ba'aal!
(Jeremiah 7:18,44:19)
Baalism manages to entrench itself firmly not only in the constructive iconographic forms of the temples in the high places, but markedly between the ritualistic manifestations; either the Baal of Tyre-Melqart or the Baal Berit of Shechem. Whom the Israelites would worship after Gideon's death.
(Judges: 8:33)
Albert Pike, in his commentaries on the Sephir H'Debarim directly associates BAAL with the Masonic construction tradition, specifically, the suspicious companion= Jubelum Yah-U-Baal, in the singular as a significant linguistic combination.
(A. Pike Book of Words, p.151)
Legacy of the pantheon of Ugarit and place of 'EL' the powerful universal creator who is replaced by the warrior son of Dagan... Ba'al of the Ray and Horns of the Celestial Bull that Walks through the Clouds.
'Preclear manifestation' of the ancient Sumerian Mesopotamian divinity.
Tradition that follows Sennacherib who claims that he had built Nineveh following a Celestial Pattern conferred in dreams by the mother goddess-Nidaba.
Thus, he undertakes his mission of Divine Architect in the construction of the famous temple of the god Ningirsu.
(Mesopotamia, Enrico Ascalone, p.32)
In the great temples of the very rich city of Agarit was known the construction wisdom and enormous artistic lapidary geometric tradition.
Wisdom guarded by priest-architects... the so-called Khnm=Hebrew=Kohanin.
From shrines and ancient temples, the female goddess INANNA=Ishtar of Erbil-Venus was worshipped in Nineveh.
Powerful female goddess of the Temple of love in Sumer.
It delivers 'secret sexual wisdom' and is known as Anat-Syrians, Atar-Arabs, Astarte-Greeks and Isis among Egyptians. Jewish women could not forget her.
(Jeremiah 7:18. 44:19)
Legendary tradition of the Divine blacksmith = Kothar which -later-, will crystallize in the valuable Hiramite tradition and fine lineage of the lit forge of the ancient Solar lineage of = Tubalcain.
''The blacksmith is also the ARCHITECT and craftsman of the gods, who directs the CONSTRUCTION of the palace of Baal and equips the sanctuaries of the remaining divinities''.
(Mircea Eliade, History of Religious Beliefs, Volume I p.86)
There is much to learn from new research that illuminates the path of unsuspected new forms of luminosity.
The Way and spiritual journey of Gilgamesh is an initiatory journey in search of Immortality... ''a serpent sniffed the Fragrance of the Plant, came out of the water and snatched the Sacred Plant from Gilgamesh... when retiring... shedding of skin... says the text when taking the plant Gilgamesh... ''its thorns will prick your hands like THE ROSE... if your hands obtain the Plant, (you will find New Life!)''.
Master Gilgamesh ''pricks his hands'' and from them springs the FLOWER and his P脺RPLE Blood!
Ancient Tradition of the Sumerian-Babylonian Legacy
Victor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes.馃尮


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  (EL Camino de La Toabey googleblogspot) B煤squeda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes V铆ctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. ''El Gran Ge贸metra y Obrero ha hecho al mundo, no con sus manos, sino con su Palabra. Tienes que represent谩rtelo como Presente y siempre Existente, como el autor de Todo, El Uno y el Todo, el que ha creado los Seres por su Voluntad'' . HERMES (El Crater o La Monada (Hermes Trismegisto a su Hijo Tat) Existe una Operaci贸n Divina milenaria y Ancestral o Tradici贸n Primordial=Pistis Sophia. Una Vieja Sabidur铆a incorruptible= (Prisca theologia), que es celosamente guardada, duramente mantenida o firmemente sostenida como una hermosa Cadena de Oro a trav茅s de una relaci贸n estrecha Te煤rgica ritual y Ceremonial Antigua, Inici谩tica y Secreta. De este modo, es una relaci贸n espiritual con ciertos seres y esp铆ritus afines a la misma procedencia del Origen Primordial de la Luz Divinal. En realidad esa Verdad Ancestral es–esencialmente- una Tradici贸n Esot茅rica, He