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Alchemical Gnosis of The Purple Rose=Chermes-Arabic=Kermes=Purpur, Lat. Crimesinus= Purple

Alchemical Gnosis of The Purple Rose=Chermes-Arabic=Kermes=Purpur, Lat. Crimesinus= Purple Víctor. A. Cabello. Reyes. ''The Rose was for the Initiates the living and Blooming Symbol of the revelation of the harmonies of Being... The Conquest of the ROSE was the problem propounded to Science by Initiation''... (Dr. Albert Pike, Morals and dogmas, p.821) Within the iconographic and symbolic Corpus of the Masonic Order, alchemy is an essential element in the representation of the relationship of man-stone and its transmutation-transformation as a polished stone and grounded to the Geometric Perfection of the Pentalfa =5. The Real Art is the same execution of the physical-spiritual levels of the ascension of the apprentice in Solar Journey-initiation- towards the Magisterium=Sun-Squadron. The rigorous and formal analysis of the symbolism of solar-complex and of the various stages of influences of the macrocosm-temple in the stonemason and within the concept of microcosm of the personal temple, they require careful analytical exercise and strict and educated methodology of alchemical sources and documents. Since the Order, contains the spiritual substance of the Western Alchemical Tradition, among solid influences of currents of initiatory philosophical thought of Neoplatonic, Neo-pitagórical, Kabbalistic and, later, the superb influence of the educated alchemists of the Italian Renaissance. Therefore, it is appropriate to state that Indian alchemy contains and sustains organic relationships with both yoga and tantra, and the old Traditions of specific psychomental techniques. Therefore, the 'MystiKos' of the operative Art of the Sacred Stone is concentrated in the controlled manipulations-Festina lens- of the fluid or sacred light sperm= "X'varenah, seminal, luminous and igneous. " Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgo". ''The Philosopher's Stone is considered a pure chimera and the people who seek it are taken for crazy. This contempt, say the Philosophers of Hermes, is the effect of the righteous Judgment of God that does not allow such a Precious Secret to be known to the wicked and the Ignorant.'' (Alejandro Sethon=The Cosmopolitan) Comparatively, it does not correspond naturally nor is it similar to vulgar gold, since it is extracted from the Water and from that same water it is extracted from the Stone of the Magisterium. Within the Art of the Sages the stone is essentially Brute and Saturnal, in its apprentice stage as a state of Rebis=thing double in power. The Philosophers' Stone is the proper designation of the Raw Material in the Magnum Opus. Adherents and philosophers say that all work and Hermetic Art in its essence is nothing but water. ''No one, if not Reborn of the Water and the Spirit can enter the Kingdom of God'' "And whatever names the philosophers have given to the stone, they always refer to a substance, that is to say to the water in which everything is "born" and in which everything "is contained"; which dominates everything, in which mistakes are made and in which the mistake itself is corrected." (Peat Philosophorum) The "water permanens" in igneous form of true water and the water of philosophers is fire. First Agent as Secret Fire. It's the "water that doesn't wet your hands." For the Flowery Mastro Lord Zadith: "Our fire is water." Our stone is fire out of fire and will become fire, and its soul lives in fire." And, according to Aristotle: "Choose for you as a stone the one who makes in the crowns of kings that they be venerated... for this stone is near the fire." Transmutemini in vivos lapides philosophicos!= Transform yours into living philosophical stones!. The stone is called the stone of invisibility, holy stone, blessed thing; the secret stone is a Gift of God in this age for the spiritual, moral and physical generation of mankind. It is from it (the stone) that the pneumatic spark springs, flows also the water that Heals and Heals. For the Rosarium Philosophorum: "It is water that kills and enlivens (resurrects)." Within its essence is contained the property of transmuting the most common metals into alchemical gold. The Magnum Opus tries to find universal medicine, the panacea that when sublimated becomes the Fountain of Youth, the Elixir of long life and the key to Immortality. Here is contained the initiatory sense of the journey of the adept (adeptus receives from the Great Architect of the Universe, Enlightenment, Omniscience, Omnipotence and the Joy of Divine Love. To work the stone, it is essential to travel to the place of the "mine", the work must begin in spring "under the signs of Aries, Taurus or Gemini. Hermes Trismegistus embodies in luminus-Body the Rod or Caduceus of the Emerald Stone and Masonic Stone containing four sides. Emerald of Sages. As a polished stone is the wellspring of joy, the consummate perfection of wisdom, the pure and healing power of mother earth in constant hard and inner work. "The raw stone remains as one of the fundamental symbols of Freemasonry. In general, Masonic authors have transformed this symbol into a moral allegory, often utilitarian they assimilate the new Mason, the apprentice, to a brute stone, which will be necessary for himself and on himself through a constant, purely internal task... the brute stone (the apprentice) is an individuality... which must be unpacked in the end of all its roughness (the carved stone) and integrated into the global edifice that forms Freemasonry." (Jean Palou) The stone is sacred, hidden reality, which transcends when visiting the Inner Earth Center. There inhabits the stone and finds the essence of the Golden Bloom or Golden Flower. The "lapis philosophorum" or philosophers' stone is the rebis or "double thing" and mercury as "water permanens" and argentum vivum or silver. For the ancients the matter of the stone is the essential substance of the transformation and the Arcane =(AZF), since at its base resides -potentially latent- the "germinal place of the Body of diamonds in the golden flowering". Azoth, is our Stone. Our Stone comes from the four elements! It as a stone cannot be melted, nor penetrated, nor mixed, but is vitrify as it is called Lapis Exilis and Templar Stone of the Holy Grail. For the Master of The Flower Dr. Henrich Kunrath: "it is also called vegetable, animal and mineral, because it is from itself that in substance and in its being plants, animals and minerals originate". (Amphiteatrum Sapientia Aeternae, Magdeburg,1604) Sulfur, salt and mercury are its components. Remember, that philosopher's water and stone are one and the same thing as raw material. Unum est vas= (the vessel is one) is a kind of uterus or matrix from which the wonderful Masonic stone will be born. It is water and mercury of the philosophers deposited with care and care in the Vas philosophorum est agua eorum =The container of the philosophers is their water. The ancient alchemists confirm that to speak of the container was to understand under the "our water", if of fire they understood water and if of the furnace, they spoke of the water. "The vessel of (Hermes) is the measure of your fire", the serpent of medicine is mercury as a fundamental salutary substance that forms and awakens itself by water, devouring its own nature as Ouroborus or snake that bites its tail in you brother... in your being! The astrological-alchemical Celestial Rose requires the proper way to work hard in purges, sublimations, cementations, distillations, rectifications, circulations, putrefactions, conjunctions, solutions, ascensions, coagulations, calcifications, incinerations, mortifications, resurrections. Alchemy, Opus is the golden key, the magisterium that opens the way to the traditional secret that consists of regenerating humanity from the original fall. Visit Interiora Térrea Rectifyingthat Invenies Occultum Lapidem=Visit the interior of the earth and purifying you will find the hidden stone. Sacred metallurgy that works the raw stone with the tools of the blacksmith-mason-alchemist, to treat the impure metals by the fall of man as the base or arcani discipline of Purple Rose. Reading, reading and rereading, there is the complex nature of the Art of Hermes, the true test initiative, praying and laboring. Ars Magna, Art of fire, received by sacred word-of-mouth initiation, purifying, transforming and regenerative goal. Lege, Lege, Lege, Relege, Invenieus. It is necessary to meditate day and night to look for the stone. It is axiom of Sages: "Nature contains nature... nature rejoices in nature... nature exceeds nature, no nature is amended, but in its own nature." Suitable scrutineer of art, ludus puerorum (child's play) is philosophia, is scientia, is sapient. We are reminded by the alchemist master and the Golden Flower Paracelsus: "The course of heaven teaches the course of the regime of fire in the Athanor"= (furnace). (Paragranum, p. 77) Learn, understand, know: "He who wants to be initiated into Art and secret Wisdom, must be freed from the vice of arrogance, be pious and righteous, of deep spirit, human, have a cheerful semblance and serene disposition before men, to whom he is to show respect; (likewise) he must be an observer of the eternal mystery that is revealed. First of all, my son, I exhort you to have God who sees what you do (in quo dispositionis tuae visus est) and in whose hands is the help for the isolated whoever he may be"= (Adiuvatio cuiuslibet seguestrati). (Hermes tractatus Aureus) Medicine is in the stone, for therein lies the Great Secret of Hermetic Philosophy, basil's Hyperion and Vitriol Valentine and the SOLAR power of Ripley's Green Lion. This science requires the true philosopher not the foolish= (Haec Scientia Requirit verum Philosophum non fatuum) The misery of human life is not divine punishment, nor does it come close to original sin... It's Ignorance. Possibly the transmutation of metals is related to practices associated with certain modalities of Maithuna-tantrism and their archaic traditions within the ''conscious stopping'' of the Boddhicitan Notsrejt. Soul-Light and semen as a sacramental act with the Siva-Sakta=mudra-yogini. The X'varenah as divine substance of the luminous and igneous Mercury=Bindu. Tantra is the reason for the Khéchari-mudra. The Red Stone is maharajas, the white stone is Sukla. Bindu is Siva, Rajas is Sakta. "In studying Indian alchemy I discovered its organic relationships with yoga and tantra, that is, with specific psycho-mental techniques." (Carl. G. Jung) In the stone is concentrated the "X'varenah, the sacred seminal, luminous and igneous fluid." Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgo". Like our vulgar gold, it is extracted from the water and the water is extracted from the stone. Philosophers say that all work and its essence is nothing but water. It proclaimed the Mob Philosophorum. "And whatever names the philosophers have given to the stone, they always refer to a substance, that is to say to the water in which everything is "born" and in which everything "is contained"; which dominates everything, in which mistakes are made and in which the mistake itself is corrected." Philosopher's water and stone are the first material of the work. Water is the mercury of philosophers. Vas philosophorum est agua eorum =The vessel of philosophers is their water. For the ancient alchemists to speak of the container was to understand under the "our water", if of fire they understood water and if of the furnace, they spoke of the water. We have an obligation to work purges, sublimations, cementations, distillations, rectifications, circulations, rots, conjunctions, solutions, ascensions, coagulations, calcicione, cremations, mortifications, resurrections. The alchemy, Opus and Golden Key, of the magisterium that opens the Way or Way to the traditional secret that consists of regenerating the humanity of the original fall. Base and foundation- discipline arcani of Purple Rose. Today's forms of worship will no longer be, they will change... they will disappear to make way for a simpler and more primitive form that is simple and sacred. Reading, reading and rereading, there is the complex nature of the Art of Hermes, the true test initiative, praying and laboring. Ars Magna, Art of fire, received by sacred word-of-mouth initiation, purifying, transforming and regenerative goal. The axiom of the wise: "Nature contains nature... nature rejoices in nature... nature exceeds nature, no nature is amended, but in its own nature." Suitable scrutineer of art, ludus puerorum (child's play) is philosophia, is scientia, is sapient. This science requires the true philosopher not the foolish. (Haec Scientia Requirit verum Philosophum non fatuum). In the alchemical work is the true purpose of yoga. It is the nature of the stone that lives latent in the mulandhara-Chakra=sacrococcygeal plexus. Tantra provides the alchemical teaching of development, continuity, multiplication of the raw stone= what "prolongs knowledge". Here is the wisdom of Asclepius and key of Poimandrés as correct use of Nature needs depth, understanding, slowness in itself as a daughter of Gnosis-Ars Magna. The Alchemist Masters of the Fleur-de-Lis know it as Floscaeli=Flower of Heaven. ''That for them, they made their bread with the most beautiful Flowers; that they kneaded it with the ROCÏO and cooked it to the SUN''... (Bernardo El Trevisano, The Green Dream) Tantra is also substantially an alchemical teaching of development and continuity underlies the multiplication of the raw stone. So, that's what "prolongs knowledge." "But if the wrong man uses the right medium, the right medium acts wrongly." To you Master! You are yourself Gold of Transmutation Androgynous and Hermetic. Freemasons since middle ages were known in the Constitutions as Sons of HERMES! Caduceus-spinal! "Hermes, Lord of the world, the one who lives in the hearts, orbit of the Moon, circle and square, inventor of the words of the tongue, obedient to righteousness, bearer of Clámide, shoes with wings, the one who governs the tongue that possesses all the volumes, prophet of mortals...". (Papyrus XVIIb (Strasburg), 1179, 155. Preisendanz: Papyri Graecae Magicae, Vol. II, p. 139) Nature must be directed to dominate; to overcome and to rejoice nature itself. (Demócrito in Berthelot: Alch. Grecs, II, I; 3) Nature needs depth, understanding, slowness in itself as the daughter of an archaic and ancestral Gnosis-Ars Magna. The Secret Fire is inner fire, but at the same time, Cosmic Fire resident of the Power. "The philosophers have investigated with the utmost zeal the center of the tree, which is in the middle of the earthly paradise." (Theatr. Chem; IV, 1613, p.568) For the Master of The Rose and the Stone Dr. Michael Maier: "For whoever applies to the chemical thing, let nature, reasoning, experience and reading be the conductor, the Staff, the Glasses and the Lamp". Welcome to the Journey through the Labyrinth of The Work! The Doors of the Curious Alchemical Library are open, at the end they will receive the Hermetic SOLAR Triumph. Ex Uno, Per Unum In Uno. Alchemical Gnosis of The Purple Rose=Chermes-Arabic=Kermes=Purpur, Lat. Crimson= Purple Victor. A. Cabello. Reyes


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  (EL Camino de La Toabey googleblogspot) Búsqueda del Eterno Poder Solar del Thoth Hermes Víctor. Arturo. Cabello. Reyes. ''El Gran Geómetra y Obrero ha hecho al mundo, no con sus manos, sino con su Palabra. Tienes que representártelo como Presente y siempre Existente, como el autor de Todo, El Uno y el Todo, el que ha creado los Seres por su Voluntad'' . HERMES (El Crater o La Monada (Hermes Trismegisto a su Hijo Tat) Existe una Operación Divina milenaria y Ancestral o Tradición Primordial=Pistis Sophia. Una Vieja Sabiduría incorruptible= (Prisca theologia), que es celosamente guardada, duramente mantenida o firmemente sostenida como una hermosa Cadena de Oro a través de una relación estrecha Teúrgica ritual y Ceremonial Antigua, Iniciática y Secreta. De este modo, es una relación espiritual con ciertos seres y espíritus afines a la misma procedencia del Origen Primordial de la Luz Divinal. En realidad esa Verdad Ancestral es–esencialmente- una Tradición Esotérica, He